
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I LOVE Winter!

Finally! Snow has arrived and winter is here!  I have been stalking the weather channel for weeks. WEEKS! 

I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and winter was just "less hot" than the rest of the year.  We saw snow in the mountains of Colorado on annual family vacations.  Maybe that is why I love it so much. I have memories attached to it.  It takes me back to places I love. Happy places.

And when the snow is gone, I will be happy to see green grass, leaves, and flowers.  And then I will celebrate summer so my kids can swim and swim and swim. And I will celebrate fall (my other favorite) when the leaves are changing and I can start anticipating snow again.

Change is good.......

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Now What?

Happy New Year!  Have you spent the last several days resolving to make changes? Resolving to not make changes?   If for only one day a year we think about where we are in our lives, and have even small thoughts about how we love that place or how we would like to be in a different place, what is the harm in that?  Personal reflection is good. If it also happens to motivate us to make changes, even better! Please don't lecture me on how resolutions are stupid and you have no faith in people following through on them. You focus on what you need to do in your life and I will focus on what I need to do in my life. I will celebrate your successes with you and offer a shoulder and an ear if you need to reflect on why it did not happen the way you planned it. Either way - it is YOUR life and you have the power to make it what it will be. It is your journey. Every success and failure are equally important on the path.

Even thoughI do not consider my journey to be on a 12 month schedule, I posted this blog on myspace on January 5th, 2007: I am dedicating 2007 to finding Elainne. There! I said it!!! Let it be.......

I will continue on my journey, but as of right this minute, I do not know what that means.  What can I do today/this week/this month/this year that will make my life better? I can make a list of things, but I have to be honest and say that I do not know how many of them I am willing or even ready to tackle. And I am ok with that. I don't need a "grand plan." As long as I hold strong in knowing that I am in control of my life, whatever it is, this is what works for me. On the other hand, I must also accept the consequences for my lack of action.  No regrets.  This is the hard part. I cannot justify beating  myself up for how things are if I have done nothing to change them. January 1st, 2012 will come whether or not I make any changes in my life. It is up to me!

So, now what?