
Sunday, August 7, 2011

The search continues....and some other thoughts about the subject

For those following along, here is an update on what is happening and more reflection about why it is happening.

Since my last blog post, we have received many invitations from friends to attend church services with them. We have appreciated the contact and support. We have researched and talked about it until it is making me nutso! Having as intense of a background and residual feelings about church is a big battle in all of this for me. And it really is just me who is so stressed out about it. Who are we kidding? Byron will go wherever I say works for me! He is easy that way.

And I am also walking a line as to not offend others. I know that religion and church are very personal and people will defend their views as being the right one. I am not interested in that. I am not looking for a debate on which "religion" or "church" is best. This is about our journey and my thoughts about it are based on what I think is best for MY family. Mutual respect in that area is appreciated. Pray for us if you wish, but only because you know we are looking for guidance. Please do not pray for our souls because we are obviously lost and hell-bound. That is offensive to me.

We are looking for an area where we can come together as a family and bond in a common theme. A place for guidance in a stronger marriage and guidance as parents in teaching our kids how to live the fullest life possible. This may or may not be a church building. Finding what works to take our family to the next level is what this journey is about. And maybe we find out that our family functions just fine the way it is and we just need to tweak it a bit. That would be ok with me.

I will continue my journey in social work and Byron will continue his journey in sobriety. And at the end of the day we will find a way for all of it to come together. This does not mean that things are out of whack with us. They are not. We have crazy schedules that require tons of organizing and juggling, but we make it work. And our life is good. It really is!


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